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Who is Terry?

Please practice our new poem this week. It goes to the tune of "are you sleeping?"
Our new sight words this week are:


Today we talked about who Terry Fox is. Ask me to tell you some of the things I know about him. We learned that he is a Canadian Hero. We talked about how he has raised millions of dollars for cancer. You can watch the video we saw today by clicking HERE

We did some art in our visual journals to represent Terry Fox. Ask me to tell you what I did with my shoe! 

As a whole class, we decided to build the path that Terry Fox took. It was so amazing to see all of the students come together and connect their learning in this way. We are going to continuously build on it this week. We have the starting point where he started in Newfoundland and the end point where he stopped running.

Can you spot Terry Fox?


Terry Fox Run
Our Copperfield Terry Fox Assembly and Terry Fox Run will be on Thursday, September 26 starting at 9:30 am. Families are welcome to attend the assembly and the run. Grade 3 & 4’s will be singing “Never Give Up”. Donate ONLINE: This year our school is raising Toonies for Terry. The Terry Fox Foundation has a great reputation, with $.79 cents of every dollar raised going directly to cancer research. Donate online at or by simply bringing $2 during the week of September 23 to deposit in the Toonies for Terry container. For more information, visit

Playground Grand Opening/BBQ
Students who are able to attend the Playground Grand Opening/BBQ this Thursday are asked to wear their red Copperfield t-shirts (if they have one). They will be performing "Copperfield Has Heart" on or near the playground! 

Alphabet Letter Homework
Please help your child send in their alphabet letter artifact by the end of this week. If you lost the letter that was sent home and do not remember what letter your child is in charge of. Please e-mail your child's teacher. 

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