This week we continue to practice our reading skills by using pictures to help us decode unknown words. We have been doing lots of different literacy activities to help us get better at these skills through word work, reading to ourselves or with a partner, listening to reading and writing. We worked on a writing piece about ourselves today. This will be displayed on the bulletin so you can see where I am at with my writing. At this time of year in in grade one, this is what I should be able to do:
- I can draw a detailed picture and use 5 different colors to express my ideas
- I can copy a sentence starter and fill in the blank using "kid spelling" (using the sounds I know to write what I hear)
- I can use the word wall in the classroom and my knowledge of sight words to spell sight words learned in class correctly
- I can read my work to you
These are some of the things we are working towards and building awareness around:
- I can use finger spaces between my words
- I can use correct punctuation in my sentences
- I can write my words neatly across the page and my letters touch the line (sticky letters)
- I can use upper and lower case letters correctly
- I can write many of my own details about the topic
- I can organize my ideas (first, next, then, last)
- I can use describing words
Thursday November 21 is a half day (early dismissal is at 11:55am)
There is no school on Friday November 22
We are looking forward to meeting with you this Thursday and or Friday for parent teacher conferences. Please sign up for a 15 minute slot. This will be the last time we meet before the first report cards come out. Please take some time to review the documents below. At this conference, we will be sharing some self-reflection that your child has done on how they see themselves as a learner and contributing member to our classroom. Please bring your child with you if possible so that they can speak to their reflections.
**Please be on time for your conference time. We ask that you come into the classroom when it is your time to help keep us on track. Thank you!