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Highlights of our Week

**Read-a-thon starts next week! A notice was sent home this week with pledge information and special event days. On Monday it is "Dress up as your teacher" day!

Pink Shirt Day

We have been taking a closer look on what it means to be kind and how to be an Upstander this week. We watched a video  and learned about ways we can be an upstander. We designed our own t-shirts with some writing to show what we learned.

Roots of Empathy
Erik and Andrea

We have a baby teacher named Erik! We are so excited to learn from him. We met him for the very first time this week and learned a few things about him.

His Birthdate is June 23
- He is 6 blocks tall
- He has 2 bottom teeth
- He drinks mommy's milk and eats pureed food
- He also drinks water
- blocks are his favorite toy
- he can sit up
- he is trying to crawl
- he likes peek-a-boo

We are learning how he communicates and we learned that although he cannot say words he is communicating a lot! His mom Andrea says he has certain cries for different things and during our lesson Erik even made some talking noises. 

Proper Hand washing

Can you see all the germs on my hands? We learned that we cannot see germs with our eyes but they are definitely there. We passed around a ball that had "germs" on it and we put our hands under a special blacklight and we were able to see the white powder that we used as germs. We then had to wash our hands with soap and water and then test it again to make sure we washed our hands properly. Ask me to tell you how many times I am supposed to sing "Happy Birthday" when I wash my hands.


We have been learning about Australian football in gym with Mrs. Jarred. We learned that this is different then the football we know. Ask me what it means to "hand ball" the ball when I pass it. We also learned how to kick the ball properly.

Snowflake Experiment

We are growing snowflakes this week! We have been looking at how snowflakes are formed and are excited to grow one of our own. We are using a glass jar as our cloud environment. We learned that snowflakes start from a spec of dust and water attaches to it. As the snowflake falls down from the clouds, snow crystals start to form. In our jar, we added powdered laundry detergent and hot water and stirred it up. We put a pipe-cleaner snowflake in. We were so excited to observe the next day that snow crystals formed. We used our scientist brains and sketched what we observed. I can do this science project at home. The ratio is 1/3 cup of borax and 2 cups of boiling water. You can shape a pipecleaner into any shape.

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