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This Week

Pink Shirt Day 
The Grade 3 Students are going to be hosting the Pink Shirt Day Assembly! You are invited to join us on February 26th at 2:00 pm in the gym. We will be singing songs, reciting poetry and celebrating kindness! We hope to see you there and remember to wear your PINK Shirt that day!

100's Day
Our 100's Day was so much fun! We wrote about what we would be like, look like, and what we would do when we are 100 years old. We made an art piece of ourselves as 100 year olds. They are hanging up on our boards and we are so excited for you to see them at our upcoming student lead conferences in March! 

In math, we are continuing to work on addition facts, word problems with addition, and double facts. We know that when we are adding two numbers together like 6+2=  or 2+6= we should take the bigger number, hold it in our heads, and use the other number to count on that many times.

Here is a song about double facts that we sing in class! Have your child sing it to you :) 
Doubles Addition Facts

We are continuing to become build our writing skills. Today we looked back at our work from yesterday, and "edited" it. This is what we looked for:

Is my work neat?
Can I read my work to the teacher?
Do I have finger spaces?
Do I have sticky letters?
Do I have a capital letter where I should?
Do I have punctuation where I should?
Does it make sense?

Here is a writing checklist we use in class: 

JUMP on board and start fundraising for Heart and Stroke today! Our deadline is fast approaching and we are really wanting to bump up our fundraising efforts for the Heart and Stroke Foundation. We hope you can take a few minutes this weekend to sign!

You might be interested in watching a short video about Max, a local Calgary student, who used the information he had learned through Jump Rope for Heart to save his Dad’s life.

Please support our school as we support this important initiative. As an added bonus, Copperfield School will also get 10% of our fundraising back as a donation to our school! This money will help support the PE program here at Copperfield.

To sign up for online fundraising and more information about Jump Rope for Heart please go to the website and click on the following links and follow the instructions.

• ‘Join school’ – search Copperfield School
• Click ‘join school’
• ‘Join as new participant’ – fill in all your personal information, set a goal, invite your friends and start fundraising.

The deadline for the Jump Rope for Heart fundraising is Thursday, February 28th. 

Thank you for your support with such an important initiative. Copperfield has heart!

If you have any more questions please feel free to email Mrs. Patten at

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