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Updates of the week

Please note that there is a correction for 100's Day- it is Wednesday, February 19! 

Valentines Day: 
Our Valentines Day celebration will be Wednesday, February 12. This is an early dismissal day. 
If you would like to participate in handing out Valentines, we ask that your child only sign their own name on the Valentines to help handing them out run smoothly. If your child would like to give out Valentines to the whole double class, we have 44 students. If your child is handing out to only their own class, there are 21 students in Mrs. Ly's class, and 23 in Ms. Granger's class. 

This week was winter walk day. It was such a beautiful day out, and we walked around the pond with our buddies. 

Retelling a Story:
This week we had a very special guest named Ms. Pletz come in and help us with our story retelling skills. We read the same story 3 different days and each time we were able to make new connections and think about new things in the story. 
Here is a picture of the visual tool (bookmark) we are using in class to help support our story retelling skills. 

These are important components of a story that we are learning to retell to help develop our reading comprehension. As a class we generated questions to help us retell stories using the visuals. 

Character: Who are the characters?
Setting: Where did the story take place?
Problem: What is the problem?
Details: What are the important details?
Problem Solved: How did they solve the problem?
Connection: What connections can you make? 

These are questions and visuals that can be used both at home and school to help students gain these skills. 

Jump Rope for Heart:
Today we had our Jump Rope for heart assembly, and we watched some amazing skippers show us their talents! We are skipping in gym and are excited to try some of these tricks in class! 
We also learned about that eating healthy foods, drinking water, and getting exercise are important for our brains and hearts. We also learned about the signs of a stroke. Ask me to tell you some of the signs.  FAST stands for face, arms, speech, and time.

Important Information:
Wednesday is an early dismissal. There is no school Thursday and Friday due to Teacher's Convention. 

We will have home reading book exchange on Wednesday, but will not have library book exchange due to the half day. 

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