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Our Community in the Past

**Tomorrow is home reading and library book exchange. Please note that tomorrow will be our last library book exchange before spring break. There will be no library book exchange next Wednesday. Mrs. D, our librarian will only be taking returns. Thank you.

Here is our poem this week:

In Social Studies, we continue to learn about communities. We are learning that we are part of a family community, school community and the community of Copperfield. We are looking into  our community in the past. We learned that long long ago, our community did not look like what it does today. We used a very special kit from the Glenbow Museum and looked at real artifacts about the First Nations people. We looked at some photographs and talked about what we see, what we notice, and what we wonder.

-       Why are they not smiling? – R
o   They might not be smiling because they have to do a lot of work – M
o   They are poor - J
-       Why are all of the pictures grey? – A
o   The cameras really old so they didn’t have any color on them – R
o   Because it was in the olden days – A
o   They didn’t have electricity – J

-       I notice cows going into one of the tents – D
-       Only people who live on farms have cows – R
-       They used teepees as houses – H
-       They didn’t have wood, bricks, to build a house – N
-       They have animal print on their teepees to attract animals – M
-       They used ink from the ground to paint designs on their teepees. – W
-       I wonder what they made teepees from? – L

We also learned how to carefully handle a museum artifact. We had to use special gloves so that the oils from our fingers did not transfer onto the artifacts. Ask me to tell you the different artifacts we observed today. 

In Science, we are investigating about the needs of animals. Ask me to tell you some more facts that I learned about the coyote. We labeled its body parts today. Ask me to tell you what I labelled and how a coyote uses it to survive.


This Friday is dress up as your favorite book character

Student led conferences are next Thursday evening and Friday. You will need to bring your child. Please sign up for a one hour block for student-led conferences. 
Students will lead families in stations focused on the learning that has been occurring in the classroom.
Please note that there will be other families in the classroom at the same time.

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