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Today we launched our read-a-thon with an assembly where Mrs. Swain read Copperfield School a book called "All Are Welcome". It reminded us of our school because all are welcome at Copperfield School too!
Today was dress up like a teacher day. We will have guest readers, and fun dress up days over the next two weeks for our read-a-thon. 
  • Friday March 6 is PJ day.
  • Friday March 13 is dress up as a book character day.
We started gymnastics today! This unit will last until Spring Break. Today we practiced two different types of rolls. Ask me to show you how we do it! Here is a list of suggestions our school has sent our regarding gymnastics: 
  • Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required-sweats and a t-shirt work best. 
  • Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing. 
  • Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident. 
  • All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in classrooms or left at home). E.g. watches, rings, necklaces, etc… 
  • Students with long hair should have their hair tied back. Tying hair back is recommended. 
  • Students may wear shorts under clothing if they wish. 
  • Students continue to wear indoor running shoes (first preference) 
  • Students may also participate in bare feet or with gymnastic slippers. 
  • Students must land on their feet or seat on the crash mat. 
  • Although some students have private gymnastics training, there will be no aerial stunts such as dive rolls, aerial somersaults (flips), head springs or hand springs as these activities do not fit into the gymnastics curriculum.
Here is our poem of the week:

We know that "ee" are screaming Es and they make the sound "eeeeeeee". Today we looked for all of the "ea" sounds in the poem. They make the same sound that screaming Es make. We also worked on reading the poem and drawing pictures beside the sentences. Picture clues will help us re-read the poem on our own. 

If you are interested in volunteering for field trips or in class activities, sign up links are located at the top of the blog. Thank you to those who have already signed up for things! 

*Spring Photos are Wednesday March 4

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