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Showing posts from October, 2019

Pumpkin Investigation

This week is all about pumpkins! Our poem this week is called "5 Little Pumpkins". Our sight words this week are: down, here, away, jump, funny These are our last 5 words of our first sight word list! Please continue to review these all at home as we work toward learning our next list in November. In our literacy block, we used our writing muscles in "work on writing". We wrote about anything we wanted! Ask me what I wrote about! I needed to follow 5 steps in a checklist to help me do this on my own! Today we were scientists and started our pumpkin investigation. Our first way of investigating was through sketching. We sketched a pumpkin of our choice, and then used oil pastels to add all of the colours and details we could see in our pumpkin. We took our time so that our pumpkin sketches would look realistic! Tomorrow we will investigate with a different method :) Reminders: Tomorrow is picture retake day.  Thursday students can wear Halloween Co

Grade 1 Assembly

We had our Grade 1 assembly today! Thank you to all of the family members that were able to come watch us perform. We were very proud of how we sang to share our learning about the three pillars of care. We hope you enjoyed it :) This week we practiced going onto Raz Kids on the iPads. Thank you for sending in labeled headphones in a ziplock bag if you are able to. I can show you how I log in Raz Kids at home. Log in information was sent home last week. We continue to practice our reading stamina. We learned that our reading stamina are our reading muscles. As a class, we are able to read for 8 minutes fully focused on our book. Please continue to read to me everyday and have me read my home reading book with you daily. We are working on "read to self" and "read to someone". Here are some examples of what good readers do and what it looks like: We had so much fun going to a different park today with our buddies. Ask me to tell you waht kind of game


Today we went to the MakerSpace to work with Mrs. Grant. Ask me to tell you what this is. It is a space in the learning commons where we get to explore different learning centers. There are activities such as building, planning and drawing. Ask me to tell you about all the different centers. Today was Mrs. J's last day :( She was an educational assistant in our class. We are so sad to see her leave but are so happy because we learned that she is migrating! Ask me to tell you where Mrs. J goes in the fall. We will miss her so much. Group Hug for Mrs. J!  We are doing some art after learning that Canada Geese migrate. We used chalk pastel today to make realistic art of a Canada Geese. We will be cutting and gluing these to our beautiful backgrounds we did the other day. We will be doing word work and reading activities regularly using iPads. Please send in a set of headphones with your child's name on it in a ziplock bag. Thank you. Our Grade

What do animals do in the fall?

Our new sight words this week are: where make said go not Our new poem this week is called "Flutter Flutter Little Bat" and goes to the tune of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" We have been great word detectives and looking for sight words we know. Next week we will have been introduced to all of the sight words on the pre-primer sight word list. Please review these with me at home. We will be sending home a second list at the end of November. I should know all of the sight words on the first list by the end of November. Today we talked about "What animals do in the fall?" We learned a new science word called Migration. Ask me to tell you what that means. Which animals migrate and why. We learned that lots of animals migrate for many different reasons such as: to go to a warmer place, have their babies, and look for food. In art, we used "cool" colors today and learned about tinting by adding black and white to make different shades

Head Phones

On Friday our buddies helped us use the reading program "Raz Kids" on the iPads! Your child brought home a parent letter and a Raz Kids log-in card for them to use Raz Kids at home! This is a great way to supplement our reading program at school and home. We will be using Raz Kids and other learning programs more at school.  If you can send in a pair of headphones for your child to keep at school for the year , it will help students use technology throughout the year! Please label the headphones with your child's name :)

Clay For Kids

Today we were so lucky to have Clay for Kids work with us to make a very special project. Ask your child what they made today! We did a great job of listening and following directions...we had a lot to do! Ask your child what they learned about clay...Where does it come from? What do you use to glue clay together? What happens to it if you leave it out in the air? Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped make today so much fun! This week we have been wondering what people do in the fall. We brainstormed a list and then drew about it in our visual journals. We worked on writing complete sentences and finishing the sentence starter: "In fall we__________" We also made our own fall leaves from paint and shaving cream! We transformed our classroom tree into an autumn tree...we wonder how will we change it for the next seasons! In math today we played a game called "Pumpkin Bump". We had to count the dice in an

The Colour Wheel

We hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving weekend :) Today we discovered more about colours! We talked about the three primary colours, and learned how when you mix them together you can create 3 new colours called secondary colours. We made our own colour wheels today by mixing and painting all 6 sections of the wheel. Our poem this week is called "I'm a little pumpkin". Our sight words these week are: big, little, see, up, it Thank you for continuing to practice these words at home. It is so exciting to see the students recognizing and reading these words more and more!  In math today we talked about the number 5. We played a game called "Shake and Spill" to find out how many different ways we can make 5. Ask your child some different ways they came up with to make 5.   We are now working on tallying our snacks using the letter sound our snacks make! If students bring in an orange, and they put a tally mark under the lette