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Showing posts from November, 2019

How to Solve a Problem

This week as we talk about perseverance, we thought about ways we can use perseverance to solve a problem. We read a book called "What do you do with a problem?" and thought about what a problem means to us. We learned about 4 important steps that will help us if we want to solve a problem. We have had two blue days in a row. This means we can't go outside because it is too cold! Thank-you for helping to dress your child in warm clothing! Important Dates ·       December 11- Winter Concert A (Granger)  @ 6:30  Dress Rehearsal @ 10:00 am ·       December 12- Winter Concert B (Ly) @ 6:30  Dress Rehearsal @ 2:00 pm ·       December 19- Kindergarten Winter Concerts/ Last Day of classes prior to Winter Break/P.J. Day

What is perseverance?

Here is our first 5 words from our new sight word list! This week's words are: do all under on at This is our poem of the week: This week we are talking all about perseverance. Our poem says "I think I can"! This is a positive mindset that we are trying learn to say to ourselves even when things are hard. We listened to a story called "How to catch a star" which is about a boy who loved stars and wished he could catch his own. We counted that he tried at least 5 different ways to catch a star and did not give up until one of his ways worked! We brained stormed what perseverance is and made a list. Then, we drew pictures of a time that we thought something was hard but had to persevere to accomplish it. We drew before and after pictures of what it looks and feels like to persevere! Some of us drew about learning how to ride a bike, swim, skate, climb monkey bars, and play hockey. REMINDERS: We seem to have a fruit fly problem

Thank you

Dear Parents: Thank you for taking the time to meet with us during parent teacher conferences. We hoped you enjoyed learning about how your child is doing at school and ways you can help them in certain areas of their learning. The first Report Cards will be going out in January so there is lots of time for improvement and learning. We are so appreciative of your support in your child's learning and look forward to continue working as a team to help your child be most successful in grade one. The second sight word list was given out during conferences and is posted below for your reference as well. We will begin introducing 5 sight words per week. If your child is still working on learning sight words from the first list, please continue to work on those first. Please save the date for our winter concert! Please note that we are on two different days. Ms. Granger (Group A) - Wednesday December 11 @ 6:30pm Mrs. Ly (Group B) - Thursday December 12 @ 6:30pm Information abou

I like...

This week we continue to practice our reading skills by using pictures to help us decode unknown words. We have been doing lots of different literacy activities to help us get better at these skills through word work, reading to ourselves or with a partner, listening to reading and writing. We worked on a writing piece about ourselves today. This will be displayed on the bulletin so you can see where I am at with my writing. At this time of year in in grade one, this is what I should be able to do: - I can draw a detailed picture and use 5 different colors to express my ideas - I can copy a sentence starter and fill in the blank using "kid spelling" (using the sounds I know to write what I hear) - I can use the word wall in the classroom and my knowledge of sight words to spell sight words learned in class correctly - I can read my work to you These are some of the things we are working towards and building awareness around: - I can use finger spaces between my wor


Today we had fun with our buddies as we drew portraits of each other. We focused on making our drawings realistic and adding as much detail as we could! Next time we will finish our portraits and add colour. Conference booking is now open. We hope to see you next Thursday or Friday to share your child's progress so far in Grade 1. Remember, we would love to see students join parents at conferences to help share their learning with you!


Copperfield School - School Conferences opened today School Conferences Our second set of conferences will be held on November 21 and November 22. These conferences are booked through your MYCBE/PowerSchool account from 8:00 am November 14 until noon November 21. We encourage all families to book a 15-minute meeting with the teacher to share in your child’s success and goals for the future. ​​​​​​​

I will read

Our poem this week is called "I will read" by Dr. Seuss. Students used poems that did not have pictures. We used our reading strategy "lips the fish" to help us figure out the word at the end of the sentence so that we could draw a picture that matched it. We also noticed that this poem has lots of rhyming words! In science we are continuing to study what animals are doing in the fall to get ready for winter. Today we talked about a few animals and how they are getting ready. Some collect food to store over the winter, and some are building and finding homes. We talked about squirrels, beavers, pikas, deer, and caribou. Ask me to tell you what these animals are doing to prepare! Today in math we learned a new math tool that will help us count efficiently and to represent numbers. We used "rekenreks" while listening to the story "Ten Flashing Fire Flies". As we listened we had to use our rekenreks to show what was happening in the story.

What does peace feel like?

**There is no school on Monday November 11 **Book Orders were sent home today. They are due on Friday November 15 Our poem this week was all about poppies. We learned a lot about Remembrance Day and why we honor this very special occasion. This week, some of us attended our very first Remembrance Day Assembly. Ask me to tell you about it.  We have been talking about what peace is: what it sounds like, tastes like, feels like, smells like and what it looks like. We made poppies using potatoes! Ask me to tell you how I created my poppies. I cannot wait to share these with you as well as my writing at Parent Teacher Conferences in a couple of weeks. In Science, we continue to take a closer look at animal behvaiors and what they do in the fall. We learned a big science word "adaptation" and "camouflage". Ask me to tell you what this means and how snowshoe hares adapt to the changing seasons. We did some art to represent our learning. Th

Remembrance Day

**Tomorrow (Wednesday) is library and home reading book exchange day Hello Families, Once again we will be collecting for the Veterans Association Food Bank to show our support and appreciation for those who have served our country.  We will be collecting non-perishable food items during the month of November at the school. Feel free to make your donation when you come for Parent Teacher Interviews if that is convenient. There will be a donation box by the front entrance. You can also make a financial donation. Cheques can be made out to the Veterans Association Food Bank. Interac e-transfers can be sent to . Please also send a separate email with your security question and answer so they may access the donation funds. For more information on this incredible organization use the following link: If you are free, please join us for our Remembrance Day Assembly where our grade 4s will be performing.  It will be hel

Math Problem Solving

Thank you to all of our parents who brought in a special treat for our Halloween party on Thursday. We had an amazing afternoon listening to spooky halloween songs and enjoying our treats. In math, we are working on math problem solving. I am learning to think about numbers in different ways. Today we worked on a math question that involved the number 10. "There are 10 witches in the air, some of them have black hats and some of them have red hats. How many different combinations could there be? Show your thinking using pictures words and numbers" Please help me with this concept at home. For example, at the dinner table you could ask: There are 6 people eating right now, some of us are boys and some of us are girls. What two numbers make 6? I am learning to think about numbers and connect them to the real world. In math, we are also learning how to reflect on our work. We use the color codes "green, yellow and red". I need to look at different things wh