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Showing posts from March, 2020

Hi Grade 1!

Hi Grade 1! We hope everyone had a restful Spring Break and are ready to come on a new adventure of online learning with us! This is new for Mrs. Ly and Ms. Granger too, so we can all learn together! We will still be updating our blog as we transition to "Google Classroom". Thank you for being patient and understanding as all of this new information rolls out...we will keep updating you all with new information we learn! Just a reminder to continue to check your email as lots of information is being sent from Copperfield School, the CBE, and ourselves.  We wish we could read a story to you all together, but for now please enjoy this video of us reading to you online :) Here are all of the sight word lists that we have been working on throughout grade 1, in order. The last one "First Grade" is the new list that we would have given out at student led conferences: Here are some things that your friends have been up to: "We played Jen

Happy Spring Break!

It's hard to believe that spring break begins now. We will not be updating the blog during spring break but will continue to update it weekly like we always have been after the break. If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to our e-mail list so you can start receiving our updates straight to your inbox. W eekly updates have been sent from the school and it includes some great links. We may have more information for you after the break as well.  This past week would have been student led conferences. One of the tasks was a math task and problem solving.  Below is the link to the problem where your child would have showed you how they would solve this problem. We have been working a lot on how to solve math problems these past several months. Please find some time to have your child work through this problem independently using the organizer sheet provided in the link. This could give you an indication to where they are at with their math. We use these statements i

A note from your teachers and Kendrick

** We would LOVE to keep up to date with what you are up to. Please feel free to send both of us your photos and updates. This year we have been talking a lot about what “connection” means. This is a great example to know that even though we are not physically at school and seeing one another, we are very much connected to each other by an “invisible string”. Please know you are all in our thoughts.  Miss you SO SO much! We hope you enjoy this video from us and a special message from Kendrick.  Mrs. Ly - Ms. Granger -  "It took me a moment to gather my emotions to think about what to write" "Dear Purple Team, Thinking of you! I have been busy cuddling, playing outside and more cuddles. I ruff you all and stay pawsitive! Love, Kendrick

We miss all of you!!

Dear Parents: We hope you are and your families are staying safe. We just wanted to say how much we miss you all so much and are thinking about you! Coming in on Monday to an empty classroom was really hard as we try to gather our thoughts about what is happening in our world. Please let your children know that we miss them and are thinking of them. Mrs. Ly & Ms. Granger 

Leprechauns and BFG

We continued to explore and discover the communities of the Blackfoot People and learn more about their story. We learned that the bison was a very important animal used. Ask me to tell you what the bison was used for and how they hunted for them. We looked at more artifacts such as a mocassin, arrow, trade beads, and porcupine quills.  We had our second Big Friend Group (BFG) today. This is where we get to work with students from kindergarten to grade 4 on a task with a new teacher. Ask me to tell you who my BFG teacher is. Today we had to design a tower that could hold a pot of gold. Ask me to tell you if my group was successful and what my design looked like.  Please check your e-mails for important information that was sent out through the weekly messenger. Have a great weekend.

Our Community in the Past

**Tomorrow is home reading and library book exchange. Please note that tomorrow will be our last library book exchange before spring break. There will be no library book exchange next Wednesday. Mrs. D, our librarian will only be taking returns. Thank you. Here is our poem this week: In Social Studies, we continue to learn about communities. We are learning that we are part of a family community, school community and the community of Copperfield. We are looking into  our community in the past. We learned that long long ago, our community did not look like what it does today. We used a very special kit from the Glenbow Museum and looked at real artifacts about the First Nations people. We looked at some photographs and talked about what we see, what we notice, and what we wonder.                                      -        Why are they not smiling? – R o    They might not be smiling because they have to do a lot of work – M o    They are poor - J -        Why
*Scholastic book orders went home today. If you would like to order, they are due on March 11. *Tomorrow is pyjama day for our read-a-thon. This afternoon we had 2 special guest readers read to us. They are our Education Director Mike Nelson and Mike McMahon They read 2 funny stories to us. Ask me to retell the stories to you. I can retell the characters, the setting, the problem, and the solution. We worked on the blend sound "bl". What are some words with the "bl" sound? We continued our study of coyotes today. We learned what coyotes eat. Ask me what "carnivore" and "herbivore" means. We also looked at different types of animal teeth! We used our investigation skills to find out which ones are coyote teeth. We know that since coyotes eat meat, they will need strong and sharp teeth. In math, read a story called "12 ways to to get to 11". We learned how to add more than 2 addends together to get to 11.   Instead of 2

Wednesday March 4

We are collecting brown egg cartons (not styrofoam) for some art projects we will be working on! Please send them to school if you have any!  This week in math we created our own napping houses. We drew our families in our napping houses and wrote an equation to answer the question "how many legs are in your napping house?". After, we traded napping houses with a partner and answered the same question looking at a different napping house than ours. We are working on completing number sentences that match our math problem, and then being able to explain our thinking to someone else. For example, if my napping house has me, my dad, my mom, my 2 sisters, and a pet dog my equation could be: How many legs in my napping house? 2+2+2+2+2+2= 12    I know how to count by 2 to get 12.  or 4+4+4= 12 I grouped me and my dad together to make 4.  I grouped my mom and sister together to make 4. I grouped my sister and my dog together to make 4.  4+4+4=12    I know 4+4


Today we launched our read-a-thon with an assembly where Mrs. Swain read Copperfield School a book called "All Are Welcome". It reminded us of our school because all are welcome at Copperfield School too! Today was dress up like a teacher day. We will have guest readers, and fun dress up days over the next two weeks for our read-a-thon.  Friday March 6 is PJ day. Friday March 13 is dress up as a book character day. Gymnastics We started gymnastics today! This unit will last until Spring Break. Today we practiced two different types of rolls. Ask me to show you how we do it! Here is a list of suggestions our school has sent our regarding gymnastics:  Clothing that allows freedom of movement (no special uniforms or outfits are required-sweats and a t-shirt work best.  Loose fitting/baggy clothing may get caught on equipment when climbing.  Tucking shirts in may help to prevent an accident.  All jewelry that could get caught on equipment should be removed (left in