**Read-a-thon starts next week! A notice was sent home this week with pledge information and special event days. On Monday it is "Dress up as your teacher" day! Pink Shirt Day We have been taking a closer look on what it means to be kind and how to be an Upstander this week. We watched a video and learned about ways we can be an upstander. We designed our own t-shirts with some writing to show what we learned. Roots of Empathy Erik and Andrea We have a baby teacher named Erik! We are so excited to learn from him. We met him for the very first time this week and learned a few things about him. His Birthdate is June 23 - He is 6 blocks tall - He has 2 bottom teeth - He drinks mommy's milk and eats pureed food - He also drinks water - blocks are his favorite toy - he can sit up - he is trying to crawl - he likes peek-a-boo We are learning how he communicates and we learned that although he cannot say words he is communicating a lot! H...
Room 128 & 129 Ms. Granger- regranger@cbe.ab.ca Mrs. Ly- lmly@cbe.ab.ca