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Showing posts from February, 2020

Highlights of our Week

**Read-a-thon starts next week! A notice was sent home this week with pledge information and special event days. On Monday it is "Dress up as your teacher" day! Pink Shirt Day We have been taking a closer look on what it means to be kind and how to be an Upstander this week. We watched a video   and learned about ways we can be an upstander. We designed our own t-shirts with some writing to show what we learned. Roots of Empathy Erik and Andrea We have a baby teacher named Erik! We are so excited to learn from him. We met him for the very first time this week and learned a few things about him. His Birthdate is June 23 - He is 6 blocks tall - He has 2 bottom teeth - He drinks mommy's milk and eats pureed food - He also drinks water - blocks are his favorite toy - he can sit up - he is trying to crawl - he likes peek-a-boo We are learning how he communicates and we learned that although he cannot say words he is communicating a lot! H

The Pledge of Kindness

We have been introduced to all of the sight words on our second list! Please help me review these at home. I should know all of these sight words by Spring Break. At Student Led Conferences, we will be receiving our third and final sight word list of grade one. Here is the second list: The Grade 3 Students are going to be hosting the Pink Shirt Day Assembly! You are invited to join us   on February 26th at 2:00 pm   in the gym. We will be singing songs, reciting poetry and celebrating kindness! We hope to see you there and remember to wear your PINK Shirt that day! This week our poem is about kindness. Ask me to find some sight words I know in the poem.  We are learning about how we are part of a family, a school a community and the world! We looked at Google Earth today. You can check it out at We travelled to Mrs. Ly’s house today and even to Paul’s pizza (one of our students family owns this restaurant). Today they are giving back to the school

This Week

Pink Shirt Day  The Grade 3 Students are going to be hosting the Pink Shirt Day Assembly! You are invited to join us on February 26th at 2:00 pm in the gym. We will be singing songs, reciting poetry and celebrating kindness!  We hope to see you there and remember to wear your PINK Shirt that day! 100's Day Our 100's Day was so much fun! We wrote about what we would be like, look like, and what we would do when we are 100 years old. We made an art piece of ourselves as 100 year olds. They are hanging up on our boards and we are so excited for you to see them at our upcoming student lead conferences in March!  In math, we are continuing to work on addition facts, word problems with addition, and double facts. We know that when we are adding two numbers together like 6+2=  or 2+6= we should take the bigger number, hold it in our heads, and use the other number to count on that many times. Here is a song about double facts that we sing in class! Ha

100 Days!

We hope everyone had a great long weekend and family day! Our poem this week is called "100th Day of Poem". Our sight words are: ride, black, must, well  These are the last sight words of our 2nd list. Please continue to practice all of our sight words. We will be handing out our 3rd and last list during March student led conferences! Today we worked more on "doubles" in math. We are learning to remember number facts quickly and automatically. We played a game called "Doubles Aren't Trouble" to help reinforce these math facts.  In class, we also use the website ABCYA for some quick math games and activities. You can access this at home too. The students love playing these little games to help support their mathematical learning.  Here is the link: Tomorrow is our 100th day of school! Dress like you are 100 years old if you want :)  Tomorrow is also Fun Lunch! Tomorrow is library and home reading exchange. Plea

Happy Valentine's Day

A HUGE thank you to all of our wonderful parents for sending in something for our special party. We had such a variety of items and it was ALL eaten. I am bringing home a special bag with lots of valentine's cards from my friends. Please have me find some sight words and read the names of who they are from. Here are some tips from our Occupational Therapist Ms. Kristen. ** A reminder that there is no school until Tuesday February 18.  - Our 100 day celebration will be on Wednesday February 19. Come dressed as if you were 100 years old :) - We will be doing our science experiment with our jars the last week of February. Please send in a clear jar with a large open mouth if you have not done so yet. Please send an extra one if you have any to. Thank you. Jump Rope for Heart Our kick off assembly for Jump Rope for Heart really made our hearts skip a beat! Thanks to the Calgary Skip Squad for coming and demonstrating their amazing skipping skills and endurance with

Valentine's Day

**Our Valentine's Party is tomorrow. Thank you to all of the parents who have signed up to bring something in to share. Please bring it in the morning with your child as it is a half day tomorrow. A reminder that Valentine's cards for students is optional. W e ask that your child only sign their own name on the Valentines to help handing them out run smoothly. If your child would like to give out Valentines to the whole double class, we have 44 students. If your child is handing out to only their own class, there are 21 students in Mrs. Ly's class, and 23 in Ms. Granger's class.  Our new sight words this week are: this please pretty Our poem this week is about friendship: We took a closer look at the "sh" diagraph. Ask me what sound it makes and have me tell you words that have the "sh" sound in it. We talked about how "ch" and "sh" sort of sound the same but are different.  We have been taking a close

Updates of the week

Please note that there is a correction for 100's Day- it is Wednesday, February 19!  Valentines Day:  Our Valentines Day celebration will be Wednesday, February 12. This is an early dismissal day.  If you would like to participate in handing out Valentines, we ask that your child only sign their own name on the Valentines to help handing them out run smoothly. If your child would like to give out Valentines to the whole double class, we have 44 students. If your child is handing out to only their own class, there are 21 students in Mrs. Ly's class, and 23 in Ms. Granger's class.  This week was winter walk day. It was such a beautiful day out, and we walked around the pond with our buddies.  Retelling a Story: This week we had a very special guest named Ms. Pletz come in and help us with our story retelling skills. We read the same story 3 different days and each time we were able to make new connections and think about new things in the story.  Here

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart February is Heart month! It is also our Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser. This month during PE, students will be skipping and jumping in a variety of ways! The purpose of this event is to bring awareness to heart health. On Friday, February 7 th , students will also take part in a kickoff assembly where we will learn about healthy habits and be treating to the skipping talents of the Calgary Skip Squad. As a part of Jump Rope for Heart, the school will also be fundraising for the Heart and Stroke Foundation throughout February. We have heard many students are already fundraising.  If you would like to fundraise for the event, please follow the instructions below. Please note: this is an  online fundraiser only . There will be no paper copies coming home for fundraising.  To sign up for online fundraising and more information about Jump Rope for Heart please go to the website  and click on the following links and follow the instru


Today we talked about family. We read a book by Todd Parr called "The Family Book". It talks about how all families are different, and that all families care about each other. We drew a "family portrait" of our own families and then wrote about our families. We learned lots about some of you moms and dads too! We will be continuing to learn about families and how they are different and why they are important to us.  Our poem this week is called "Families". Here are our sight words of the week:  saw, they, four, our, wanted  In math today we learned a new game called "Connect Four". To play, you need to roll two dice and then add the dice together to find the total, or "sum". This is great practice for our addition skills and strategies.  100 days of school We will be celebrating 100 days of school on Wednesday, February 19.  On this day, grade ones are going to have a “dress like you are 100 years old” day. Please